Count the number of products of a particular Brand.
Criteria Range Is E23:E24
What Does It Do ?
This function examines a list of information and counts the non blank cells in a specified column. It counts values and text items, but blank cells are ignored.
Description For DCOUNTA Function
- The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the field names at the top of the columns.
- The FieldName is the name, or cell, of the values to Count, such as “Value Of Stock” or I3.
- The CriteriaRange is made up of two types of information.
The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the category Brand or Wattage.
The second set of information is the actual record, or records, which are to be selected, such as Horizon as a brand name, or 100 as the wattage.
No special formatting is needed.
The count of a product with an unknown Life Hours value.
Criteria Range Is E50:F51
The number of products is : =DCOUNTA(B3:I19,D3,E50:F51)
This is the same calculation but using the name “Life Hours” instead of the cell address.
=DCOUNTA(B3:I19,”Life Hours”,E50:F51)
The count of the number of particular product of a specific brand.
Criteria Range Is E61:F62
The count is : =DCOUNTA(B3:I19,”Product”,E61:F62)
The count of particular products from specific brands.
Criteria Range Is E68:F70
The count is : =DCOUNTA(B3:I19,”Product”,E68:F70)
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